Next, there was big red wasp nest in the back door where we usually enter. Luckily, there was just enough spray wasp killer in the can I leave hidden near the door to take them out. Then, the big AC in the living room did not want to cycle, period. After several minutes of fiddling, I finally managed to get it going but it is out of balance worse than ever. It shakes the whole house.

And then, just as I got ready to settle in to my big easy chair and watch a bit of ME and Retro TV, I couldn't get a signal. Figuring the wind had blown the antenna out of alignment, I walked out on the front porch to turn it. I couldn't. A big tree limb had grown through the antenna, knocked several arms off it and made it impossible to align what was left. So basically, no TV.
Oh well, did a few odd jobs, cooked us some lunch, ate it and decided to take a shower before we headed back. Turned the water on and OUCH! No cold water in the shower. Worked the last time I was there. I fiddled with valves every which way but there was simply no cold water to be had and the hot water was too hot .... period. I hadn't taken a sponge bath in a long time. Made me remember the times when we had no indoor plumbing.
We headed back in mid afternoon, visited with Sheila's sister in Sallisaw for a little while and then headed
home by way of Lake Tenkiller. I was amazed at the lack of traffic and activity. In years past, the various restaurants, service stations and convenience stores would have been jam packed on a nice Sunday afternoon in the summer. We didn't see a soul for the full length of the lake.
I had been timing our arrival in Ft. Gibson for thirty minutes before the legendary Charlie's Chicken Sunday Buffet closed down the steam tables. We made it right on time and enjoyed an early dinner that was simply amazing. On a good day, it is the best southern home cooking to be had anywhere. Their chef/cook is an absolute master of the country/southern/soul food genre. I won't tell you how many desserts Sheila and I sampled and the astounding thing was that they were all good!
We got home just in time to settle in for the evening. We will watch Masterpiece in a while and call it an evening. It was a good day.
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