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I passed another Birthday this week. I won't say how old I am or what day so that the identity thieves can't use the information. But, I will say that I am past the age where I can draw Social Security.
Thursday night, Sheila's niece Pam and her partner Wayne took us out to dinner at In The Raw in Brookside. In the Raw is a very fashionable (and expensive) sushi place.

My friends are about equally divided about sushi. Some call it bait and some call it a gourmet delicacy. Raw seafood is perfectly safe to eat if it has been handled properly and the taste is quite delicate. When paired with seasoned rice, crisp raw vegetables and fiery wasabi mustard, it is delicious.
In the Raw takes your order by bringing out a checklist where you tick off the menu items you want. I was stunned when Pam ticked off several items "for the table." When it arrived, there was enough sushi to fill the table and kill most family's entertainment budget for the month, especially if you included the saki.
The place was dark, noisy and full of the "beautiful people" that haunt Brookside establishments. We were by far the oldest couples in the place but Wayne and Pam looked like they belonged there. The food was great and we were in good company. It was a wonderful meal and we had a great visit.

Saturday night, we met at Michelle's house for dinner and birthday cake. We brought dinner, chicken and steak fajitas carried out from El Burrito. As usual, Oscar cooked us far more food than we could eat. But, it was a wonderful meal. Michelle cooked me a fancy, three layer, "Neopolitan" birthday cake composed of a layer of dark chocolate cake and icing followed by a layer strawberry cake and icing and topped with a layer of white cake and icing. It was incredibly good but so rich that I had to limit myself to a small slice.
Gwenda insisted that everybody sing "Happy Birthday" as we cut the cake. After dinner, I settled in on the couch and watched Sheila play with Ben for an hour. It was quiet, enjoyable little evening.
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