Saturday was a hard day. Sheila was gone at 5:30 AM to proctor the professional engineering exam at TU. The professional engineering exam is a big deal for those engineering students. It is literally their license to practice as a registered engineer. Since Bill Manning passed, Sheila is the chief exam proctor, so she had to be there early to get her crew lined up and the facilities prepared.
I spent the day closing out my practice's 2012 books and doing taxes. ALL day doing taxes. Sheila didn't get home until 8:00. When she did, we ate some carry out chicken she brought home and went to bed exhausted. Sunday morning, we got up and went to work on the taxes again. I had expected us to work all day and into the night but by 2:00 PM we were more or less finished.
Sheila's reward for her hard work was to go spend an hour or two with little Ben Bob while Robert and Michelle did chores outside. BB and Sheila both wore themselves out playing with each other.
We left their house around 5:00, bought a few grocery items and some carry out Mexican to bring home. As we settled in, I found an APR program playing one song after the other written by Kris Kristoferson. He is a classic example of a genius musician who should learn to keep his mouth shut about everything but his music, especially politics.
Remembering last week's successful uke lesson, I asked Sheila if she would like to learn to sing her favorite song, "Me and Bobby McGee" to my guitar accompaniment. She was too tired and declined. And that is how we more or less ended the day, eating carry-out Mexican on the deck, pondering old Kris Kristoferson tunes, and watching the sun float westward over el barrio.
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