I started by putting a small layer of charcoal along about one third of the left grill. I then soaked it down in starter fluid. Then I added a short hickory log on top of the charcoal and applied starter fluid again. Within fifteen minutes, I had a perfect drawing, slow burning

I then placed my dry rubbed drumsticks and a length of Lovera's Italian Sausage on the cool side of the grill and let it smoke for a little over two hours. The fire drew perfectly the entire time and required absolutely no attention.

We ate it with a big salad out of bag and a pitcher of iced tea. It was a very nice little Sunday dinner. Next time around, I will reduce the amount of fuel to slow the cooking time a bit but overall, I am very happy with my first time effort on this grill. I told Sheila when we bought it, that it could be used as a wood stove and by golly I was right. Stand by Rat Pack, I will be inviting you all over soon.
As a footnote, I need to thank my old friend Bobby Keathley. The other day, he brought me a small load of perfectly aged hickory fire wood for my new grill. It worked great and I hope I can convince him to bring some more when this runs out.
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