I have a secret. I am a closet musician. Just about every Monday night I play someplace. At least I try to. Monday night is usually an off night for professional and semi-professional musicians so it is a good time for music club meetings, jams, oddball gigs like this one and wannabe musicians creating situations to learn from pros.
One Monday night per month, Robert Smith (a we

ll known local pro) and I and a promising lady uke player go to a local nursing home and entertain the patients. It is good that we have a captive audience since Robert is the only one of our merry band that is ready for prime time. But, they are sweet old folks who are always happy to see us and we wind up having a good time, even if we don't always play up to even our own standards.

I got to know this particular nursing home when Mom was there. The staff are a kind bunch as nursing home staffs go and I spent so much time there with Mom that I got to know several of the old ladies.
When Mom passed, I wanted to give som

ething back to the folks who had worked so hard to make her last days comfortable. I asked the social director about the occasional entertainment they held and found that they have almost no entertainment budget. So, I began putting the bite on my musician and wannabe musician friends and the Monday Night Musicale was born.

I don't always feel like playing and it is a lot of work for Robert who takes care of our sound as well as serving as the "anchor" talent and all around make it happen guy. But, the looks on the faces of the folks makes it worth while. I spent enough time there to learn that the hours pass very slowly in a nursing home, even a good like this one and that a little company, a little attention, just something to look forward to can make all of the difference.
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