When you talk about barbecue in Tulsa one name always comes up, the legendary Knotty Pine on Charles Page Boulevard on the West Side. For the many decades it operated before a tragic fire, it was the standard by which all other barbecue places were measured. After the fire, they reopened in Broken Arrow which seemed to me like a bad match. The Broken Arrow culinary market is better suited to franchise, family friendly, generic anywhere in the U.S. suburbs kind of venues since Broken Arrow is pretty well the epitome of a faceless American suburb.

6835 E 15th Street has a checkered history. I think it used to be a Dairy Queen long ago. Lately, it has been a Harden's Hamburgers, a Billy Ray's Barbecue and last a Zayn's Diner. In each case, something didn't click. We used to frequent it when it was Billy Ray's because they had a really nice dinner for two special. I ate at Zayn's once and crossed it off my list.

Sheila ordered the chopped beef sandwich. I ordered the jalapeno chicken chunks. Table service was quick but the food delivery was slow. We later learned that they were short staffed in the kitchen to start with and at any rate had not expected the "lunch rush" crowd to carry through right into mid afternoon.Sheila's beef was done perfectly, mild and smokey. The bun was grilled perfectly as well. Her coleslaw was quite good, not quite up the gold standard of Goldies, but a solid A- at least.
My chicken platter was a work of art. Somebody back there knows how to cook Okie. The chicken bits were deep fried with breaded jalapeno slices, pickle slices and onion bits. The total effect was amazing. Sheila kept reaching across the table with her fork to sneak bites as I chewed. The fries were old fashioned and hand cut. Hand cut fries can be a disaster but these were perfect. The cowboy beans were sweet and smoky with bits of beef scattered throughout. Even the grilled toast was good.
The chicken was served with a side of the house barbecue sauce which deserves its own paragraph. Barbecue sauce is very much a regional and often a highly subjective taste. A good Okie sauce is, like the local geography, somewhere between KC, Memphis and Texas. The Knotty Pig sauce was sweet, smoky and complex. It is the flavor I go for when I spend hours in the kitchen mixing my own.
As we were leaving, we polled the tables around us. Everyone was raving about the food. As we pulled out of our parking space another car was waiting to pull in and it was nearly 3:00 PM.
The Knotty Pig's menu shows it to be much more than just another barbecue joint, although the barbecue itself was quite good. The burger and other sandwich choices were fascinating and sounded delicious as did the chili based dishes. I think the owners have a winner here. The Knotty Pig is setting a high standard for other Okie style joints to match.